A Good Attitude Gives You a Good Salary
Attitudes do make a difference. Salesmen with the right attitude beat their quotas; students with the right attitude make As; right attitudes pave the way to a really happy married life.
Right attitudes make you effective in dealing with people, enable you to develop as a leader. Right attitudes win for you in everything you do.
People do more for you when you make them feel important.
Years ago, in Kansas, I rode a certain bus to work each morning. The driver was an old grump. Dozens — maybe hundreds — of times, I saw this driver pull away from the curb when a wildly waving, shouting, and running passenger was just a second or two from the door. Over a period of several months, I saw this driver show a special courtesy to only one passenger, and this passenger was shown special courtesy many times. The driver would wait for this passenger.
And why? Because this passenger went out of his way to make the driver feel important. Every morning he greeted the driver with a personalized, sincere “Good morning, sir.”
Sometimes this passenger would sit near the driver and make little comments like “You sure have a lot of responsibility”; “It must take nerves of steel to drive through traffic like this every day”; “You sure keep this thing on the schedule.” That passenger made the drive feel important as if he were piloting a 180-passenger jet airliner. And the driver in return showed special courtesy to the passenger.
It pays to make “little” people feel like big people.
Today, in thousands of offices all over America, secretaries are helping salesmen make sales or lose sales depending on how the salesman has treated them.
Make someone feel important, and he cares about you. And when he cares about you, he does more for you.
Customers will buy more from you, employees will work harder for you, associates will go out of their way to cooperate with you, your boss will do more to help you if you will only make these people feel important.
It pays to make “big” people feel even bigger. The big thinker always adds value to people by visualizing them at their best. Because he thinks big about people, he gets their best out of them.